CSC के माध्यम से किसानों के लिए अनूठी सेवाएं उपलब्ध
Pradhan Mantri KisanMaan-Dhan Yojana
Voluntary and contributory pension scheme for small & marginal landholding farmers to provide them social security
monthly pension of Rs 3, 000/- to all eligible Small and Marginal Farmers. 25 lakh farmers’ registered under the scheme through CSC. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Income support of Rs. 6000 per year is provided to all farmer families. 63 lakh farmer registrations carried out through CSCs
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
- largest crop insurance scheme in the world
- Protecting farmers’ investment from natural adversity as well as ensures continued flow of capital within the agricultural economy.
- In the Kharif 2020 season, CSC registered 51 lakh policies with a total premium of Rs. 576 Crore.
- Loan for tractor and agriculture equipment to farmers
Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
- Need based and timely credit support to farmers
- 6.67 crore farmers have been provided KCC
- CSCs has done over 37.65lakh registrations during Covid-19
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
CSC and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) provide agriculture related teleconsultations to farmers
Farmers get crop and agriculture related consultations through scientists
CSC Kisan e-Mart
- Unique trading platform for farm produce
- The platform leverages technology to connect farmers with the buyers
- Farmers and buyers are registered on the Kisan e-Mart platform through a fool-proof verification process involving KYC.
- The product is sold for the quoted price or more, depending on the stock and quality.
CSC and IFFCO provide e-commerce services to rural villages.
- Quality products from IFFCO and its group companies such as Fertilisers, Agro Chemicals, Seeds, Plant Growth Promoters, General Insurance, and Green SIM, etc.
- Increased availability of agri-inputs thereby saving time and money of farmers
- Fair price
- Access to information on latest developments in agriculture practices
- 20 lakh Soil Health cards issued to farmers carry crop-wise recommendations of nutrients and fertilisers
Read more:-
- CSC ID Card Download कैसे करें
- CSC Digital Seva Portal All Service Connect Login Link
- Amul Franchise कैसे ले | Become Amul Parlour Outlet Franchisee From CSC
इस पोस्ट में CSC के द्वारा किसान भाइयों के लिए उपलब्ध कराए गए सर्विस उसके बारे में बताया गया है कि कैसे किसान भाई अपने नजदीकी सिटी सेंटर में जाकर किसी योजना का फायदा उठा सकता है | और ऑनलाइन अप्लाई कर सकते हैं |आशा करता हूं कि यह पोस्ट आपको अच्छा लगा होगा | धन्यवाद
Source:-CSC Newsletter